Semi-natural grasslands are among the most species-rich habitats in Europe but have sharply declined in spatial extent and biodiversity in recent decades. Within Europe, the grasslands of the Alps and the Carpathians harbour extraordinary biodiversity, which varies significantly due to local environmental conditions and management intensities. This project supports the protection and expansion of species-rich grasslands in the Alps and the Carpathians based on their spatial patterns and information about their plant diversity and management. We combine in-situ vegetation monitoring data, information from farmers, and historical data, together with information from remote sensing sensors, to model the large-scale spatial patterns of grassland plant diversity and its drivers. Our findings will help decision makers and stakeholders to target diversity-friendly policies and resources allocated for the grassland management schemes.

A new paper, also based on data collected within the G4B project, co-authored by Erich Tasser, describes the complex shifts in the species composition of grassland ecosystems in European mountain areas over 70 years as a result of climate and land-use change.

G4B at the Eurasian Grassland conference
On 26th August until 1st September 2024, the 19th Eurasian Grassland Conference organized by G4B partner Eurac Research took place in Bozen, Italy. G4B was represented by three researchers of the G4B partnership.

Please answer our questionnaire that deals with the perception of biodiversity by different stakeholders, you included 🙂

Talking about the grassland diversity, but how does it really look like? We decided to show it by repeating visits to two specific locations.

A research paper on semi-aic classification of diverse landscapes and their changes across the 20th century

This research was funded by Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership under the 2021-2022 BiodivProtect joint call for research proposals, co-funded by the European Commission (GA N°101052342) and with the funding organisations SNSF, DFG, NCN, PROV BZ, SAS and UEFISCDI.